What to Expect

  • Our Promises

We are grateful to have you join us for our worship gathering.  Our services are reverent and casual.

Visiting a church can be stressful. We’ve all been where you are right now. So, we can say with great confidence: that the blessing of finding this church is a rich reward for the potential stress of the first-time visit.


We want to do our part to minimize this stress. Here are our promises to you:

    • You will not be embarrassed by not knowing what to do and where to go.  We are a smaller church with an easy-to-understand layout.  Our congregation members are also very friendly and helpful.  Do not hesitate to ask anyone for help.
    • You will not be asked to do anything embarrassing. We won’t ask you to stand and introduce yourself in the service. We won’t ask you wear a big flower or a special pin that targets you as a guest. We appreciate your visit. We will give you plenty of space to enjoy your time with us.
    • You won’t be shaken down for money. We don’t apologize for the offering during the worship time. The gifts we give to the Lord are an expression of gratitude and dependence upon God. However, you are not expected to participate in the offering. You will not be asked to pay for the service, the coffee, or the friends you make during your visit.
    • We will do our best to offer a worship service that allows you to experience the power of God’s presence in our midst.
    • We will do our best to give you a message from God’s Word that fills you with hope and direction for a better week.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's a service like?

Our worship is intimate and meaningful. Songs are traditional. “Our service springs from a confessional Lutheran liturgy. Our language is up-to-date and accessible. We begin each service with singing, invoking the presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, listening to the Word and a weekly Gospel message, end the service with Holy Communion on the 2nd, and 4th Sundays and Church Holidays and enter back into the world with praise in our hearts.”

What's the music like?

Worship is a spiritual experience, drawing each individual into a deeper connection with Jesus Christ. We choose songs which both support our foundational beliefs, but also elevate our souls.

How do people dress?

We want you to be comfortable, so come as you are. Dress tends to be modest and casual. Depending on the weather, people wear jeans, shorts, sandals, etc.

Can I take communion?

In Holy Communion, the body and blood of Christ are really present under the form of bread and wine where the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation are given to us. Holy Communion is for baptized Christian people, who repent of their sins, to comfort them and to strength their faith. Communicants may receive the wine by individual cup, (please hold the cup until the Pastor passes with the chalice) by the chalice or by intinction. Kneeling at the rail is optional. You may remain standing. Non-alcoholic wine is available in the center of the individual cups tray. Non-communing children should indicate their status by crossing their arms at the communion rail.

How can I get connected?

There are many ways to connect with us: become a member, join a small group, or get involved in a ministry where you can serve others with your particular gifts, talents and experiences. Contact any of the Lay Ministers to discuss opportunities.

What can you do today to stay connected? Like our Facebook page or check the Members section of this website for events. Join us for other church events. There are times during the year when we take some time to hang-out together and simply build friendships.

Where do I park?

We invite you to park in the church parking lot, There are handicap spaces in front of the entrance.

If you need to drop off someone from your household at the door, please feel free to do so.

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